工程案例 | |
時間:2022-06-17 訪問量:3377 | |
該膠帶以聚酰亞胺薄膜為基材,單面或雙面涂布高性能有機硅壓敏膠,在電子工業行業,線路板制造行業廣泛使用,具有耐高溫,抗拉強度高,耐化學性佳,無殘膠符合ROHS環保無鹵,UL等優點。 The tape is based on polyimide film and coated with high-performance silicone pressure-sensitive adhesive on one or both sides. It is widely used in the electronics industry and circuit board manufacturing industry. It has high temperature resistance and high tensile strength. Good chemical resistance, no glue residue, ROHS environmental protection, halogen-free, UL and other advantages. |
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